Hi, my name is Kartikey Narayan
I'm a Full stack Developer.

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Hi I am Kartikey Narayan

I'm tech enthusiast intrested in learning new technologies familier with Java and C langauge. I am a hardworking and ambitious individual with a great passion for the programming and development.


My Skills

Front End





SAbjee- website

Vegetable Ordering website Prototype using only Html and Pure CSS. It has features like Signup for new users and login button for existing users. Users can subscribe to website to recive daily updates about product and offers.

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Robo Info Web App

Robot Information Web Application using React JS. IT has features like searching robots. Data inserted int the app like Robots Image and Information is fetched through different Api methods.

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Background Color Selector

Select Background Color linear gradient using Java Script and Css. No more need to remember color values for new project color selection.

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